Holding on to your standards...
As the years of singleness start to increase each turning hour, a girl can begin to question herself. You start to wonder: Are my standards too high? Unreasonable? Should I give up and take this one that is close enough? What is my limit? What requirements can go, what can be bent, what can I live with or without? Does what I'm looking for actually exist? Many times my mind starts to believe what I want is actually out there, just not in a package or format that I want, that exists in real life or that wants me in return.
At some point these questions start to get really loud and you begin to almost give up. Throw up your hands and say FINE! I GIVE! Obviously I'm being ridiculous. I can't get anything close to what I want so I'll just take what I can get. OR you do the exact opposite and resign yourself to becoming the neighborhood cat lady.
I have never been one to believe you should let go of what's important to you. You may have to reevaluate that list every few years to make sure what was a priority last year is still a priority this year. However, you should never let go of things that are deal breakers for you. And it's hard and frustrating and often times disheartening. But if you don't think you're worthy of getting what you want, what's to make anyone else think you're worthy.
I firmly believe that everything comes to you when you are ready for it. Not before. So what you want may not appear in the time you expect it, but I believe it will appear. I have no other choice to believe that. Because I a) hate cats and b) refuse to settle into an inadequate relationship just to have someone.
Standing Your Ground
6 Stages of Breakups
What? I see. Why??? I hate you! I'm free! It OK...
Breakups can truly suck. But just like there are stages of grief, there are stages of a breakup that many, if not all, of us go through. And after watching someone literally go through each of these stages almost a day at a time, I thought I'd share the stages with you all so you can recognize where you might be in this cycle and where you'll probably be headed next.
Stage 1: Shock/Disbelief
Stage 2: Reflection
As you start to come out of Stage 1, you start to think about some things and people tend to look back. Review instances where in hindsight they can see that the person they were with wasn't happy. They can see areas where they could have done better. Situations that they could have handled differently. This is an important stage that many people either spend entirely too much time in (perpetually dwell in the shoulda/coulda/woulda's until they are just sick with regret) or not enough time in. Everyone should spend a little time in this phase because there are many lessons to learn in this phase. You can see not only where you could make improvements, but also what you may have been missing as well. You can asses your needs as well as what you currently have to offer another. It can ultimately help you in your next relationship by pointing out the positives as well as the negatives.
Stage 3: Sadness
You would think that after you've had some time to process what happened you'd be closer to acceptance. You'd be wrong. Many times after looking back you really start to see how bad things were or how much you weren't getting from the other person or you start missing the good times and you just get sad. Sad. Sad. And more sad. All the things the two of you used to do together are now gone and you start to have empty spots and times during your days and weekends. Activities that you used to enjoy now bring you sadness because they're just a constant reminder of your past relationship. You may cry a lot here. It's ok. You have to grieve the end of that time. But don't let yourself slip into a depression here. Be very careful because it can happen.Your support network is going to be key here. They have to let you cry and get it out, but they can't let you just flounder in your sadness. So don't be afraid to lean on your friends and family if you need them.
Stage 4: Anger
After all that crying and all that reflecting and all that shock, you get to a point where you just get angry. You start to think--well if he wanted to go be with other people why did he even bother with making this thing with us serious. Or -- if she was so unhappy why didn't she just say something, how am I supposed to know. And you get angry. Mad that they let things go on so long unchecked because there could have been a way to fix it. You get upset that the other didn't think enough of you or your commitment to think you'd be willing to try and work things out. Mad that they didn't even try to give the relationship a chance to try and improve. This is where the cursing and I hate them come in. It's fine. It's natural. It'll pass. (Unless the breakup is from a true wrong doing - in which case it'll be around for a good bit).
Stage 5: Euphoria
This is the stage where you start to realize all the things you can do now that you're not attached. All the friends you can see again. All the unbothered free time. You can kind of rejoin the world that so many people in couples tend to leave behind. You start to call people you haven't talked to in a while. Hang out after work without worrying about having to check in. Talk to people of the other (or same) sex and not worry that someone is going to misinterpret every hello, handshake and hug. And you start to feel free. Things are just great! There are so many things you can do now. It's a huge sense of just pure relief and happiness that you probably weren't expecting to feel. Now this may or may not be true happiness. So don't let this phase have you fooled. It is quite possible that you can cycle through phases 3 - 5 a bit before stage 6 comes.
Stage 6: Acceptance
Really once you come down from that high of feeling free, you do begin to accept the fact that things have ended. You realize that yes it'll be hard at times probably, but it won't be insurmountable. You can move on and there are things still out there in the world for you. This is the phase where you can probably truly begin a friendship with that ex if you want. Trying to do so before this can just make things weird because there are still so many emotions tumbling around in there. But this is the end of the cycle. You can move on and find ways to truly be happy.
So these are the stages as I see and have experienced them. Knowing where you may be in this cycle could help you move on or prepare for the next stage. Just know that if you are going through a breakup, things will get better. No matter how bad it may feel.
Moment of Simple
Dedicated to my old roomie...
This is dedicated to my old roommate from a long time ago back when we shared a dorm room in school. Instead of an alarm clock, I would set the timer on my stereo and wake up to 1 of two songs. The first was Method Man and Mary J Blige's All I Need. The second was this lovely tune that I probably only used a few times because the longer my stereo 'alarm' went on, the louder it turned up so by the time the beat dropped it was really REALLY loud.
It's my Blog-a-versary!
September is a big month for me. My birthday is in September. Parent's anniversary is in September. Got a few friends and family who's birthdays are in September. I need to renew my hosting account before the month ends. And I started my blog in September. It's the Disillusioned Black Girl's Anniversary! Well, technically it was yesterday but alas, close enough! I started this blog back in 2005. It's been 8 years. Can't really believe it.
So to honor this occasion, I'm going to write in a category that I haven't written since December of last year. This blog-a-versary post is.....
This lady looks airbrushed and lovely right. Prepping for bed, hair secure and safe from night time damage. Nothing about this image says she's ready to go out in public. I don't care how much make up is added on to her face. She should never leave the house with this on her head. Too many of you think it's OK and no matter how many of us stand up and scream PLEASE STOP! You continue. So let me add my voice to the plea...
STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! I don't care what the reasoning is. I don't care if you're just going to run a quick errand, not getting out of your car, just woke up, hair not looking right. I. DON'T. CARE. You cannot rationalize or justify this behavior to me. I've talked about it once before a long time ago, and was just recently having this conversation again with a group of my students so allow me to repeat myself.
Stop it!
It doesn't matter what the iteration of this offense is. Wether it's the sleep cap with the elastic band that ruffles at the bottom, the satin scarf in all it's various shades and patterns, the mesh wrap with the velcro closure for those ladies that wrap their hair at night, or the rollers - bet not let me catch you in public in rollers - it's not ok.
There are so many other bad hair day solutions. A pony tail. A hat. An actual decorative scarf. Gel to slick the short styles down. A wig. Most Walmarts and grocery stores are 24 hours. If you're hair isn't done or presentable, you have time to get it together. There is no reason to wear your sleep gear out in public. If the task needs to be handled before you can complete your follicle maintenance routine then please see the list of acceptable bad hair day solutions.
There are so many people you have the potential to encounter on every excursion out of your house. Regardless if it's a quick run to the store or a walk out to the mailbox. You just simply never know who may be watching. So why not put your best foot forward. Plus we as Black women have so much mess and stereotypes to overcome, let's not continue to add fuel to the fire.
This should go without saying. Every woman on the planet knows that sleep caps, scarves, rollers, hair wraps in public are just NOT GOOD LOOKS!
For more advice on what you should probably stop doing immediately - take a look more Not A Good Look posts.
Part I: How to win a girl's heart...
So lately I've been reading a lot. And one time, unbeknownst to me, after reading several books, I found my self engrossed in none other than a romance novel. Now this is surprising for me because, though I write about relationships, I hate to watch romantic comedies, let alone read about anyone else's "wonderful" romance. (Bitter much? Yea, probably). But anyway... After the first, I read another, then another, then another. And what I've discovered is that they're basically revealing the same concepts about attraction and the art of falling for someone. Quite honestly, the concepts in these books are really guidelines about how to win a girl's heart and at the same time, what you should avoid doing if you don't want to get caught up.
Let's explore the first: How to win a girls heart (What women are attracted to).
1. Appearance:
Let's face it, women are drawn to pretty just like men are. However we have a broader spectrum of what we constitute as attractive. In most of these books the men are described as absolutely stunning. And why wouldn't they be - it's a romance novel - who wants to read about two mudducks getting it in...
Appearance isn't always in the face and body. I even read a book about a guy who had bad burn scars but the woman was still drawn to him. Often it's in the way you present yourself. How you dress, how you groom yourself. So if you want to catch the eyes of the ladies, keep up a good maintenance routine on yourself. Find your best assets and highlight them.
2. Confidence:
Fellas, I can't stress enough the importance of being a confident man. Not cocky! But secure in who you are, what you do, where you're trying to go in life. And carry yourself in a way that displays that you know these things. That is sexy as hell.
3. Personality:
While appearance and confidence are key, the thing that ultimately draws in the female of choice in these books is personality. There are usually other men in these books with confidence and attractiveness, but they don't get the girl. Why? Because they're assholes. So don't be a jerk.
4. Security and Support:
Most of the books I've read involve some type of crime/rescue situation. But one thing I can say that women want is security. Not necessarily that you'll beat up every bad guy that comes around. We know you all aren't Batman. But what we want to know is that, no matter what happens, you have our backs. With all the chaos, and craziness that goes on in our lives, we just want to know that if we need to lean on you, you won't let us fall. Make us feel safe and you'll get everything.
5. Show your softer side:
Every man has a soft spot for something. Kids? Elderly? Puppies? Whatever it is, show it to the lady you're trying to attract. That embeds that kind and caring image into our minds. Showing your awareness to the needs of others helps women see how you'd be able to show awareness to our needs. Get it? Get it? ----Probably not----
So there you have it. The top 5 things a guy can learn from reading romance novels - Getting the girl. In Part II I will explore the top 5 things a guy can learn about not getting caught up.
But at the same time, I've had some really great moments. I've traveled like I wanted to. Visited places I've never been but always wanted to go. Designed some really nice things. Taken more time for myself. I can say I've made it. In all the crap and mess I've always felt that I could make it. That it would be over soon. That things would get better. That they'd have to get better. There was no choice but to get better. I don't know if that's my sheer stubbornness - a trait that my mother quite often likes to remind me that I have, or the possibly destructive way I deal with stress, or divine intervention or what. But no matter what happens in my life I know that I'm going to make it. I have no choice but to make it through. I guess it's because I've held on to two sayings very closely:
"In the end it will be alright. If it's not alright, it's not the end" and the prayer of serenity "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."
And I get through it. I put my big girl panties on and keep marching. Gotta make it. Instead of trudging through neck deep mud, it's about knee deep right now. Where am I headed? I don't know honestly. Don't know what my next move is. What I want to do. Where I want to go. Who knows. All I know is I'm making moves and hoping my heart guides my feet in the next direction. I'm grateful for the turn around, for family, for friends far and wide I hardly ever talk (but are always on my mind), for my ever challenging students, for my current and former colleagues. I'm grateful for my talents, my opportunities, and my mind. My only goal for this year is to live a life I'm happy to reflect back on this time next year.
Happy Birthday to me.
They can't rhyme like this...
For those who don't know who he was, Chris Kelly was 1/2 of the group Kris Kross from the early 90's. They were the boys with the pants to the back. The anti-Another Bad Creation. Two little kids with a flow that was never heard.
Though he was no longer in the limelight, this death struck me. This was differently from all the other stars who 'shined brighter'. I mean, I never thought they'd continue to make music and transition from child stars to adult hip-hop artists (but who's to say that it couldn't have happened). I was under no delusion that the duo would ever make another another album. It struck me because regardless of wether they were liked or respected for what they did, they were an icon of my youth. Their music marked moments in my personal timeline. Reminded me of good times. Made me smile with the memories.
90's music had eras. Eras where groups and labels just dominated. Bad Boy, No Limit, Def Jam, Missy and Tim - they all had their moments. And Kris Kross were a major part of the So-So Def era. They had an impact, however distant and far and small it may seem now.
The two never seemed like they transitioned out of the world's eye very well to me. Seemed like life had been hard on him especially. I dunno. This one has me feeling some kind of way......It's a shame.
R.I.P 'Kris'.
You Asked, I Answered
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You Asked, I Answered
Relationship Wrap-Up…
It's important to take a look at the relationship from the most objective space you can get yourself to before you start your evaluation. You need to be able to ask tough questions not only about the person you chose to be with, but also of yourself and your role in the problems the relationship faced.
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To Love Is To Suffer?
What is this love?
Consider this quote:
"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. …Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." Bob Marley
I am with him until he says "Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." This I just refuse to believe. I've heard love is blind. I've heard love is patient. I've heard love is kind. I've never heard love is suffering. And I refuse to believe that love hurts. Why should it?
Why have we allowed ourselves to accept love that makes us miserable? Why have we dismissed our own feelings and wants for the happiness of others? Why are we so willing to do so for someone who doesn't seem to care that we are suffering or appreciative of the sacrifice? I mean, is your self worth that low? When you make all these changes, force yourself to be someone you are not, you're basically allowing someone to tell you, who you are is not good enough. And to me that's not love.
To love is to compromise, sure. There are moments in love that can be challenging. It's definitely not easy. But it's not to sacrifice. It's not supposed to be painful. It's not supposed to be full of fights and tears. I mean read the quote so many of you all love to have in your weddings from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7:
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Does it say suffer there? Does it say love is pain? Does it say love hurts? Does it say love is dismissive, insulting, belittling, or isolating? Even in the King Jame's version where the word "suffer" is actually mentioned. It doesn't mean that you actually suffer. It means that it is long lasting, and tolerant, aka patient.
When you've given up so much of yourself to be with this other person, do they really love who you are, or who you're pretending to be? To be in love with someone you love them. Who they are, at this very minute. You should never fall in love with the hopes of changing that person into someone you want them to be. And you should never fall in love with the person you wish they could be. You being who you are should make the person you are with, want to elevate themselves. And you should be supportive and encouraging of their efforts - never forceful or ultimative.
When I fall in love again and when someone falls in love with me, I want them to love me for who I am. Flaws and all. I want to be with someone that makes something inside of me want to be better, because I know they deserve the best of me. And I want that person to recognize my efforts and be appreciative and welcoming of them. I don't want to feel judged. I don't want to feel ashamed. I don't want to feel like I am losing my identity, my family, my friends, my way of live to fit into what they want of me. If I have to change everything about me, that doesn't mean they love me. Consider these lyrics:
I'm a host of imperfectionAnd you see past all thatI'm a peasant by some standardsBut in your eyes I'm a queenYou see potential in all my flawsAnd that's exactly what I mean.I don't know why you love meAnd that's why I love youYou catch me when I fallAccept me flaws and allAnd that's why I love you-Beyoncé: Flaws and All
This to me is love. Not that other stuff you guys are getting in to. If that's too idealistic, to optimistic, to far-fetched, then keep your kind of love. Cause I can be miserable by myself.
Your girl's a bitch...
Is your girl a witch with a capital 'B'?
Women are a bit trickier to decipher. Most women know that if we reveal too much of that demon dog side, we'll forever be branded with that name. So those women who are truly 'female dogs' will do their best to cover it up. So instead it's revealed in smaller ways. We move in silence, subtleties, secrets, and innuendos. Our intentions and true feelings are shown in a quick flutter of the lashes, roll of the eye, side smiles, hugs, hand gestures, how she holds her head and laughs. So this is where you have to use your power of observation. Because if you blink, you'll miss it.
So pay attention. Is she ALWAYS talking bad about strangers, friends, family over superficial things? Does she talk down to service workers? Never happy with any generous gesture, no matter how it comes (asked or donated)? Do her seemingly sincere words never match her facial expressions? Has she found ways to justify actions that you know just aren't right? Is she always following up a quick rude quip with the 'I'm just playing, you know I love you'? Learn your girl. We all have a tell when we're being, I'll say - less than sincere. You just have to figure out what that is. Then you have to decipher if she's just having a bad day, if she's just stuck up and conceited, lacks an overall moral compass or if she's truly a bitch.
So I'm sure somewhere the response is: why does this matter? Really, right? Who cares? Well you should. Because at some point, the more you become a bigger part of her life, the more her attention and bitchiness will be directed at you. I mean you can't very well assume that she won't treat you like trash when she treats EVERYONE like trash right? It's only a matter of time. Plus if you have witnessed her being super nice to this girl you know she absolutely hates, don't you think it's possible she's done something similar to you?
Of course not right? Cause she 'loves' you.....*rolls eyes, and smirks*
Asking someone out…
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On My Soapbox
My rants and thoughts at 1am...
This is my call to consciousness and responsibility. YOU are NOT the victim of your circumstances. YOU are only a victim of your decisions. Your lot in life does NOT determine who you will be or where you will go. Your reaction to that lot will determine who you are and where you go. Your ability to make a choice cannot and will not ever be taken away from you. Your body may be restricted, but your mind will only be inhibited if you allow it. Even when people have no rights, no voice, no apparent hope, few or many decided that it was not acceptable...and they fought to change it. Others decided not to. In jail, where it seems that all your liberties and freedoms have been taken away from you, you have choices to make. You can get with the program and make your time productive for you or you can buck the system and spend your time fighting. Even in death you have a decision to die screaming, crying, or at peace. Even if you are fortunate enough to pass in your sleep, you decide how you spend those last waking moments before your eyes close for the night. You decide.
EVERYONE, from the have's to the have not's, have things that come across their paths that could impede their progress, erode their spirit or assault their heart. The difference between those that make it and those that do not are the ones who decided not to let those 'things' have more of a say in their lives than their own mind.
So your father wasn't there, your mother was an addict, you were assaulted, you got shot, you lost some one dear to you...the list can go on and on. Life's hard. Some of you have truly gotten a raw deal and my heart just goes out to you. BUT! I'm so tired of hearing people say I couldn't because...I didn't because...I would have but...I was going to but... I understand. It hurts. It affects you deeply. Nothing I'm writing about is to try and belittle your experiences and your past. But what are you going to do now?
Some will say that it's not that simple. I have to disagree. Either you like what you do, who you are and where you're going or you don't. If you don't, you need to examine your life and figure out what needs to be changed and change it. If there are things you can't change or don't know how to change or fix on your own there are people, places, and things in place that have helped others make a change and can do the same for you.
There may be one way that it can't be done, but there are a million ways it can be done. Pick one.
Now if you think I'm being insensitive to the horrors people experience on a daily basis or I'm unaware of how circumstances can affect the human psyche and spirit I can try and assure you that I'm not. But then again, you think what you think..
I guess I'm just tired of people playing their own violins all the time. Singing the same sad sob story. If you're not going to do anything about it, please SHUT UP.
Ask Me Anything
Well my people, things have been a little slow lately. I've been lacking a bit of inspiration. Can't quite come up with things to talk about. So many of my good sources have vanished. Sure I've gotten a few tips, and suggestions and I've got them in my list to ponder about. But in general, nothing's quite hit me.
So I've been racking my brain lately, trying to think of some things I need to talk about. And I decided to bring back something I had a long time ago....Ask a Black Girl!
A change probably won't come...
If she annoys you now, she'll piss you off later
For some reason, you guys think that as a relationship progresses (through serious relationships or marriage) that the things that she did/does that causes friction or that you don't like while you're dating will some how magically disappear when you make a serious commitment to her. Like some how that ring or whatever will make your relationship suck less. Like it'll magically erase all the problems you had while you're dating. More times than not, those small things and annoyances become huge problems down the line.
You know how there's that saying that men will change for the person that they're willing to change for. Well women will change only if and when they feel like it. ONLY. If she doesn't feel like she's in the wrong, she won't change. If she doesn't feel that her actions are detrimental to the development of the relationship, she won't change. If she doesn't feel that your feelings are important enough to her to change her ways (in a normal relationship give-and-take scenario), she won't change. If she doesn't feel like she contributes to the problems in the relationship, she won't change. And there's probably not a whole lot you can do about that.
Before you give your heart to a girl who may not be worthy of carrying it, really take some time to look at the things she does that bother you now. Look at the things she's not offering you now (emotionally, spiritually, physically). Look at what she values, how she treats other people, how she treats you. Look at her ambitions, her drive, her goals and ask yourself if this is something you can tolerate in the long run - no really think now----NO really think! If you decide to proceed with her, you're deciding to live with those things. Period. If you're not happy now, with things being the way they are, how do you expect to be happy later? Can you live with that? Should you have to live with that?
Dating for a change doesn't typically work. So the same relationship advice they give to women, I'll give to you: Never enter a relationship with the intent to change a person or believing (or hoping) things will get better. You have to take her as she is, just as she'll have to take you as you are.
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Quote of the Week
"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on."
— Tupac Shakur
Who Am I?
- Miss_A
- I'm just a woman living in this world trying to make it. In general, what I say here is just my opinion. Maybe I've expressed something you haven't been able to put into words yourself. Maybe I've opened your mind to a new thought or idea. Maybe you've been through similar experiences as I have and can relate to my issues, struggles and irritations. True understanding cannot begin until we start talking. I just want to give us something good to talk about.