Thoughts on the eve of yet another New Year...
While it's been forever since I've penned anything, I thought it was only fitting for me to keep up with my annual tradition of logging my thoughts about a year that has past and a year that approaches. And I'm so very happy to see 2014 go and looking forward to a great 2015.
I stopped truly setting "resolutions" for myself a while back. However, I've always maintained goals. I stopped plotting how I was going to reach those goals. I just know that however I get there, I'll get there. May seem crazy, but for me, I've realized that if I focus too hard on the "plan" I'll eventually lose sight of my goal. Mostly because my plans always seem to get derailed in some sort of fashion. Last year I had a really big primary goal. I didn't really tell anyone about it. I wasn't sure how I was going to get there, and for a while it didn't look like I was going to make it, but I accomplished it. With the support of family and unknowing stress relief of friends (and distractions of crazed students) I made it through. And I'm so very happy that I'm going into 2015 having accomplished that.
There is soooo much fucked up stuff going on in this world. It's very hard to lose sight of the good things that are out there. Tonight, I'm choosing to focus on things I can control, changes I can implement and things (and people) I can affect. It's been a really long time that I've gone into a New Year feeling really good (thought that might be the wine). And so, with that thought, I'm upping the ante and setting another 2 goals for myself. Let's get it!
And with that. The clock strikes 12:00. Happy New Year good people!
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Quote of the Week
"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on."
— Tupac Shakur
Who Am I?
- Miss_A
- I'm just a woman living in this world trying to make it. In general, what I say here is just my opinion. Maybe I've expressed something you haven't been able to put into words yourself. Maybe I've opened your mind to a new thought or idea. Maybe you've been through similar experiences as I have and can relate to my issues, struggles and irritations. True understanding cannot begin until we start talking. I just want to give us something good to talk about.