Well guys. It's almost 2013. Another year down. Hopefully you spent your day doing things you enjoyed because they say how you spend New Years Eve day is what you spend the entire year doing. And I believe it. Last year I spend the day writing and making jewelry and that's what I've been doing all year.
Next year, I don't have any resolutions. I only have goals. Things I want to be sure to do in 2013. So hopefully I'll accomplish some things instead of just making empty promises to myself.
So people. 2013 is upon us. I hope you all have a great new year. Accomplish everything you want. Put in the work and I'm sure you'll get it.
For me. 2012 sucked a big one. I mean the biggest, fattest one. So I'm glad to see it go. Will it be better next year? Only time will tell.
Typically during Christmas Eve, I will butcher the holiday hits and write my own version of a classic. However this year....I'm not quite feeling it. Maybe it's because its been so warm here. Not really sure, but the Christmas spirit hasn't really hit me this year. Hopefully I'll feel different in the morning. While I don't feel the spirit to remix a holiday song this year, I do have the words to a song that I think is very apropos for this year:
You can still succeed...
This is a bit of a side bar for a second, but I feel the need to somehow come to the aid of the concept of having a Plan B in life. People seem to attack this idea as if it means you'll fail at Plan A. And that taking your eyes off Plan A will most certainly ensure that you will never succeed at Plan A.
People, Plan A is just a route - it's not the goal. Think about it this way: You're going home for the holidays. Home is your goal for the trip. Plan A may include driving. But maybe there's traffic on the main highways that are causing major delays. What do you do? Give up? Say you failed? Stay on this main street and take what could be additional HOURS on your travel time? Or do you look in your navigation system and find an alternate route? It could be a bit more inconvienet, it could have a few more turns and stops, but ultimately, you'll make it. This is the concept you should have when considering your Plan B. The goal didn't change, but the way you got there did.
And this concept does work with everything. For some people the ultimate goal with dating is to eventually find someone you can spend the rest of your life with. Plan A may be to meet someone in school. Plan B may be to meet someone at work. Plan C may be to have your friends introduce you to someone. Plan D may be to have your family introduce you. Plan E may be online dating. I could go on for days, but the point is, if you want to be married, there are several tracks you can take in dating and how to date, to get you there. Same thing with your career goals. Want to be a CEO, self employed, whatever it is. There are several ways to get there.
I write this to mostly because people get so focused on the route and forget that ultimately they're trying to reach a goal. The plan is just that - a plan. It can change, it can grow and it can even fail. This is life. Very few things go the way we plan. But that doesn't mean you can't reach your goal. You just have to be flexible enough to take the opportunities that are presented to you that will help you get there. Not just focus on your initial idea or plan. Because if you reach your goal, why does it matter how you've gotten there? Wether it was your first plan or your 30th. You made it right?
Moment of Simple
Not A Good Look
Put some damn shoes on....
Ok my melanin reduced brothers and sisters, we need to have a meeting. Why are you all obsessed with walking around public places with no shoes on??? Your girl Brittany was in public bathrooms with no shoes. You guys are all in the parking lots, stores and gas stations sometimes, just prancing around like it's just the thing to do. I mean come on! I know it's the south but COME ON!
I mean sure I'll take off my shoes at work from time to time when my shoes get the best of me. I may even go into my drive way or if I had a yard, my yard with no shoes on. But you will not see me strolling down a public thoroughfare in my naked footies!
There are germs out there!! You don't know what's on that street!! All kinds of dirt, grime, ashes, vomit and animal piddle residue your just strolling on, on your porous skin. Then you track all that ish into your house. Some of you don't even wash your feet after so that gets all on your carpets, sofa....IN YOUR BED! Oh my goodness you germy, germy people!!! *Professor Locs freak out - spray - spray everything!!! Red Alert! Red Alert!*
This is beyond Not A Good Look. Just STOP IT! STOP IT! You ground zero resus monkeys....gonna infect us all!!
The Power Move
Why she does what she does...
Moment of Simple
Why Guys Aren't Finding the Good Girls
It's probably your fault...
What women see in the bad boy….
For the mention among the best...
So every now and then I go through the stats on my blog dashboard just to see what my traffic looks like from time to time. I like to see what you guys are reading and what topics seem to perk your interest. And I also like to see what my referring sites are - basically how you guys are finding me. I noticed I had a new stream of people coming from the website singleblackmale.org.
Now if you're not quite familiar with this site, I say tisk tisk. I've been reading this blog for a few years (I mean how can I not considering what I write about). It's a great site with really insightful articles about relationships through the eyes of black men. (Intelligent too--none of that random ignorant mess you can often find floating across the top of the blog ponds). This blog has won awards that lead them to land them a spot on Ebony Magazine’s 2011 Power 100 list, and a feature on Black Enterprise as a part of their 2012 Black Bloggers Month celebration. Some of the writers have even made appearances on the Michael Baisden and Tom Joyner radio shows. *snap*snap*
That being said, I followed the link back to see exactly how and why people are getting to me from singleblackmale.org and I found that they have included me in their list of The Best Black Blogs and Websites to Read in 2013! How great is that! I'm totally excited. And quite surprised (mostly because--you know---the whole disillusioned thing). I read it like 3 times, keep going back like - am I sure I read what I just read? Yea I did! Okay...okay....okaaaayyyyy!!!!
And yes, you should be reading me in 2013. New year. New work schedule. Much more time on my hands and more of your issues to address in only the way I can - bluntly: no salt, no lime, straight tequila burn.
So thank you authors of Single Black Male for the nod and stamp of approval. It is really appreciated. And welcome to those of you who are new to Confessions of a Disillusioned Black Girl. I hope you enjoy your visit and look forward to exchanging ideas with you.
Moment of Simple
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Quote of the Week
"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on."
— Tupac Shakur
Who Am I?
- Miss_A
- I'm just a woman living in this world trying to make it. In general, what I say here is just my opinion. Maybe I've expressed something you haven't been able to put into words yourself. Maybe I've opened your mind to a new thought or idea. Maybe you've been through similar experiences as I have and can relate to my issues, struggles and irritations. True understanding cannot begin until we start talking. I just want to give us something good to talk about.