Collection of Random Thoughts...
It's been a minute since I've posted here. You know how it is. Life happens and for a while now I've had little to say. While there still isn't much to say I thought I'd just speak a few opinions that are presently on my mind.
With the risk of sounding like a hater, I must say...I AM TIRED OF WEDDINGS...and all the things that come with it. All the planning and the work and the effort put into this one day, many forget it takes as much planning and work and effort after the day is done. I can't help but to wonder how many of these people will stay married. Sad, but it's a thought had by many. Also, I love my friends dearly but I really don't need another on-time-wear dress in my closet. Lucky for me at least my friends have a pretty decent sense of style and there's nothing in my closet I will be embarrassed about having had to wear. I could live without making another invitation (though it may become another side business venture...hmmm...). I'm through with the awkward bridal showers with the soon to be bride opening up lingerie and sex toys in front of their 90 year old granny.
And another thing....
Just my personal opinion, but we may get the oil companies to lower gas prices by allowing them to drill off shore, but honestly, that's what the gas company wants us to do: Allow them to drill. That's what's behind the gas price increase. They're trying to squeeze us. And they hide behind this manipulation move by telling us it's because of the high cost of foreign oil. You know us Amerikans hate us some foreigners. Do you honestly believe, that after making all this money, they will drop the price of gas to a reasonable cost? We may at most, go back to $2-$3 per gallon.
Can we please understand the difference in reply and reply all. I know I've mentioned it before, but seriously. No one one the list serve wants to have 15-100 emails in their in box of people saying "Congratulations" to one person, whom sometimes, the people getting that email don't even know. Sometimes, you get the congratulations emails and never got the initial news announcement. So while I know you want it to be known to everyone that you were the first to say congratulations, I don't want to read it.
And another thing....
I've started up another blog where I can write about my love for all things technology. It's called or I showcase information on everything from concepts to actual products. Take some time and visit there too. But don't worry, I'll continue to put my opinions, rants, and everyday comments on all the bs in the world on Confessions. Until next time.....