An honest dialogue about love, life, and everything in-between...

8:03 PM |


Take a look at this editorial cartoon. It is old news I'm sure, but none the less it stirred up some controversy.So what is the problem here? Is it the depiction, once again, of black people killing other black people? Nah. Is it the imagery of kids living in violent conditions witnessing crimes of this nature?? No that's not it either. Wait maybe it's the attempt to blame rap music for violent crimes??? Hmm. Close? No...not quite. Or could it be the focus of the stop snitching culture that is filling our streets???? No, no, no. That's not it. It's the use of the word HO. OH! Silly me. That's what the True problem is. As if that is the main thing wrong with this image. Well according to the people that wrote in regarding this editorial cartoon to the offending paper, that was the problem with this image. I could see a problem arising if the use of the word was used in conjunction with imagery of black women or just women in general. However, it was not and to single out that one word as the main issue with this image, is to belittle all the other problems with this image. I really and truly believe that the reason we don't progress further as a people is because we are poorly choosing our battles. If we don't start becoming aware of what our real problems are we will continue to spin our wheels and never get any further than where we are right now.


Tony Stark said...

Where'd this come from?! See, this is an attempt to continuously assault the black males image.....this HAS to have something to do with the south, I know it!!

Miss_A said...

Well it was published in a Florida paper.

Lawrenorder said...

Now there's an idea. Choosing our battles. Again, with all that you just pointed out as being wrong with this image, the folks that wrote in to the paper singled out the use of the word "ho" which is merely a shortening of the word "whore" which further compounds the ignorance in the community. But, back to choosing our battles, what the crap do I care about a fully grown adult making poor life choices? Not too much. But apparently the NAACP seems to care a great deal. Give me a break! Talk about poorly choosing your battles. This organizaiton in an attempt to maintain some validity only serves to make itself all the more obsolete.
Disinfranchised individuals need advocates. So far as I can tell, there are none to be had. All of the ones out there have been marginalized either from within or by virture of the causes they choose to get behind. They are, by far, their own worst enemy.
