An honest dialogue about love, life, and everything in-between...

11:13 AM |

...why I just need to work for myself

This morning I awoke around 6:50 am to prepare to leave for my 8:00am class. I arrived to the school at approximately 7:30am. Upon arrival I was made aware that the photocopier on this floor was still inoperable and the other had a line of people waiting to use it. Considering one of the other instructors had been there since 6:45am making copies, I knew that time was not on my side. The result of this was my inability to copy the syllabus or the project one guidelines for my 8:00am class. This is usual for the first week of classes, so I moved the said documents to a public folder for students to print off and read at will. No big deal. At 7:50am the head of the graphic design department bounces in the faculty work room and informs me that due to a shortage of lab space, I will now have to share the room with not 1, but 2 other classes. "Fortunately" (his words) the classes are small, the other 2 are taught by the same instructor, and they are studio and independent work classes so they won't interfere with lectures. Well, I discussed the sharing arrangements with the other instructor and we have it worked out. She will take one side of the room I will have the other. As I'm making the final preparations for the class, at 7:58am, the same head of the graphic design department comes in to let me know that the software that I need to use for this 8:00am class is not installed in the lab as of yet. It is "Priority 1" when the Mac tech gets in for the day. Well isn't that special. So all in all myself and my students got up early, fought traffic, to NOT be able to do anything. There were no other labs to go into. No way for me to do my lecture. No pre-production that could be done because that software is missing it's license in that room as well. Nothing. I could have stayed in bed.

