An honest dialogue about love, life, and everything in-between...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Interesting Perspective

11:31 PM |

I came across this on Youtube. Interesting.


Tony Stark said...

wish i couldve seen what this was about........

Miss_A said...

I found a new link. Take a look at it now.

Lawrenorder said...

Very interesting...

Tony Stark said...

I agree whole heartedly with what this is saying, I've always thought ...."If one country (like the U.S.) didn't act out this way, another definitely would."....We just happen to live in the dominant society.

Could there ever truly be peace...NO! It is not in the human nature to be at peace, too many of our basic emotions pull against being peaceful. Hell, people can't even be at peace with themselves....even when they have no reason not to be. So why would we (I) expect that of an entire form of government.....especially when you consider the clashes of personalities involved.

Tony Stark said...

....typo...I meant people can't be at peace w/ themselves even when there isn't a reason not to be at peace..
