Thoughts in a New Year...
Another year has come and gone. Time to resolve to improve. Time to forget and move on. Time to plan for greatness. Time to look back and reflect. Time to state promises. Time to clean out the closets.
I took a look back and what I resolved to to last year and I managed to do what I set out to do. For the most part. I still need to take better care of myself but that will always be an ongoing battle.
So what do I promise myself this year?
1. Be like Nike and Just Do It. I've made my plans. I've talked things out. Now it's just time to do it. No more talking. Just get to it.
2. Accept the things I cannot change. Typically I'm pretty good with this one. But there are still quite a few things I'd like to be different that I have no power over. While it will be hard to accept those things, I must do so in order to move forward.
3. Be better. Simple as that.
So as you make your promises to yourself like you always do, be realistic and optimistic. Remember you are making these promises to you and only you. Don't set expectations too high. You don't want to feel like a loser in December. Don't make your resolutions out of spite and anger. You'll be hateful all year. Don't sell yourself short. Challenge yourself and grow. You can do more that you probably think you can. And don't let yourself down. As always, may your new year be prosperous, safe and filled with people who love and care for you. Cheers!

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