An honest dialogue about love, life, and everything in-between...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thoughts on the Dawn of 30

12:00 AM |

So it's 4 minutes till the end of a decade for me. Funny, while I never thought I wouldn't make it to 30, I also didn't believe I'd see it either. Well, not as soon. Not that turning 30 is as big a deal as it was when I was younger. But it's still an odd feeling. Kind of euphoric.

Every birthday I become very introspective. Today at work I just zoned out. Perhaps it's because I'm not fully where I'd thought I'd be. But I'm not in a bad place. I always have to remind myself that. I just had so many aspirations, goals and things I wanted to do. I now feel a bit frantic with the flow of all these ideas and desires rushing to me in this final hour. I can't let where I am be where I stay. It's time to get it!

Either way, it's here. 12:00 am, September 1. Happy birthday to me!


D-Redd said...

The Dawn of 30! I like that title.

It is a milestone that kind of forces you to put things in perspective.

There are many great thing on the horizon.

