An honest dialogue about love, life, and everything in-between...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Weed, Brownies, 5-0

11:54 PM |

...o my

Listen to the 911 call made by an officer who confiscated some marijuana and, like the genius he is, decided to bake it into brownies with is wife. While at first the operator thinks it may be a legitimate call, she soon finds out it is just a bad trip. But what's not funny is the penalties, or lack there of, assigned to the pair. Also listen to the "professional" newscaster in the background. Was that a snort? Yes, Watson, it was.


Tony Stark said...

wooooow, I can't believe she snorted like that!! Plus, I can't believe the cop was stupid enough to tell on himself. He could've called af riend to take him to the hospital or something...dumb ass!
