more V-Day post...
Today something really unexpected happened. As I was shaking my head at the bewildered husbands/boyfriends staring at the Valentine's Day display at the front of the grocery store, rummaging through the cards, candy and remaining flower bouquets, I made my peace with this holiday. This commercialized holiday that makes single people feel like losers and couples purchase expensive and unnecessary things to try and prove how much more in love they are than others, actually could serve a purpose.
Who I began to think about were husbands and wives. Those who have been married for years. Those who have kids, careers, and other general daily life tasks and over packed schedules. Those who, as much as they may try, may sometimes let the romantic, appreciative part of their relationship grow cold. It's not to say that you can't or don't or won't show your love to your mate every day. It's also not to say that you have to wait until V-Day to show your love either. But sometimes, life just gets busy. What better way to press pause on your life, and take time to show your partner how much you still care and appreciate them than during a day when the whole world seems to stop and tell you to do so. It's like a nation wide reminder alert.
And that's it. Those are all the thoughts I've had today about today. Truthfully I wasn't going to write anything about it this year. Just let last year's post speak my peace. But, I kinda had a bit of an epiphany. Eh.....*Kanye shrug*.....

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