Too busy for everything?
So often I hear complaints about how the person they are interested in is always busy or doesn't have time to call, come over, etc. Listen...
I personally believe that's a cop out. Think about all of the things you make time for during the day. There is always time to send a text, or make a quick phone call to let the person you are interested know they are on your mind. The same way you schedule meetings you should be able to schedule time to hang out with that person. Sure you may not be able to have dinner with this person every night, but if you are really digging someone, you should take the time to let them know that they are still important to you even when you are busy.
The problem is, most people feel like you have to spend 24 hours a day with a person, have 4 hour conversations, be in contact all the time, know every single thing the other person is doing, etc. in order to make a relationship flourish and that's not the case. In the end people just want to know that they are thought about, that they are appreciated, that they are loved, and the amount of TIME you spend with a person has nothing to do with making them feel that way.
The only people in my opinion who don't have any control over their time are those in the military. Even then, those who are apart from their loved ones find time to write letters, make them the first people you call when you get a chance, and come see you when they are on leave.
To say you are too busy to call, or you don't have time to hang out means that you are truly not interested in the other person, in my opinion. That or that person isn't really a priority for you right now. If that's the case then just put it out there. It may seem harsh but saying you've been too busy is just crap.

too true
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