An honest dialogue about love, life, and everything in-between...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Restless Nights

12:35 AM |

Too busy even in my dreams...

Lately, I have been dreaming every night. I can't really remember the details in the dream, but I just wake up knowing that I've been very busy in my dream. Normal people have dreams that are more like fantasies. Mine are more like a second life. A series of seemingly mundane tasks and interactions with people I know. The only stretch of the imagination is these daily interactions in my dreams are with people I haven't seen or talked to in months/years. Sometimes I'm so busy in my second life that I awake tired from all my dream work. I don't know what's cause the sudden surge of dreams.

I guess it's a relief from what I usually dream: being chased, falling, cheating...and well....let's just say "Trading Places". But do I really have to be working? Where is my fantasy? My departure from reality? Seems like every dream I have is linked to stress and anxiety. Maybe this means I need to do something. Get out. Travel. Trade some places. Take a vacation...Like I need my dreams to tell me something I already know...

